Our journey started 7 years ago. In 2017, we packed our bags and left our homeland, Malaysia. From our first company, RedRibbon Days to Monte Productions, we are now venturing into something that is totally different from what we know! For those who know us, leaving Malaysia was hard - it was sad having to leave our family and friends (and all our social life behind) to start afresh. When we made the decision to set roots in Australia, a lot of people asked us if this is what we really want - after all, we were still young (then) and what can 2 society girls know about starting a holistic retreat - and one that involves farming and gardening?
The journey was long and challenging. Today, as we sit down to launch this website (and penning down our journey) memories both fond and painful came flooding back in our mind like it was only yesterday when we bade our friends and family farewell.
Read on if you are interested to see how it all started, what went wrong and how we push through each and every challenge thrown our way.